My dream
Apply Google domain and combine with Github Apply Google domain and combine with Github
Apply Google domain and combine with Github Get your domain from google domains or Aliyun. Paying Click DNS and do foll
2023-05-15 Happy
EC Env EC Env
EC Env install atom, Git. Install virtual env python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv # create a new python3 -m venv {
2023-05-03 Happy
Basic SQL Basic SQL
Basic SQLsql oneline -> # Create Table CREATE TABLE months(id int NOT NULL, name varchar(1
2023-05-01 Happy
S3ImageDemo login AWS console and search S3. Create a bucket. uncheck the “Block all public access” and check the Warnin
2023-04-27 Happy
Fine tuning with YouTube URL Fine tuning with YouTube URL
Get Youtube URL and Finetuning for URLMethods 1: Using playlist pip pytube pip install pytube update pytube to new g
2023-04-25 Happy
AWS EC2 and Configure Jupyter Notebook AWS EC2 and Configure Jupyter Notebook
AWS EC2 Launch an EC2 instance on the Amazon Linux machine. Connect to the instance via SSH check details: Open a term
2023-03-22 Happy
Mock ChatGPT with gpt-3 5-turbo Mock ChatGPT with gpt-3 5-turbo
Mock ChatGPT with gpt-3.5-turboWith Stream import openai class chatGPT(): def __init__(self): self.openaiKey
2023-03-14 Happy
Hello Hexo Hello Hexo
Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hex
2023-02-11 Happy